American dance forms, both Tap Dance and Lindy Hop.

Enjoy our shop filled with unique books, music, and instructional videos featuring Tap Dance, Swing Dance, and Lindy Hop.
Save 10% when you spend $60 (e.g. just 2 videos!)
Save 20% when you spend $90 (e.g. just 3 videos!)
$5 of each Rusty's Tapping With The Masters Digital Download purchase you make goes into a special fund towards future legacy projects. I have a long list of dream projects still waiting. So you really do make it happen, and I thank you.
A Note From Rusty

Dear Friends,
I was sitting at my desk recently and looked across the wall to where I proudly have my “On Tap” business license, when I noticed the original date on the paper... 1989.
1989? That long ago. How could all of those years have flown by so quickly!
I reflected back on 1989, and remembered I was just putting the finishing touches on my book, “TAP! The Greatest Tap Dance Stars and Their Stories.” I was so wrapped up in tap dance, it’s history, it’s glory, that I thought it would be neat to start a small business called “On Tap!” through which I could develop and sell tap dance preservation products.
I started with one item, my book. In 1994, I introduced the first Tapping With The Masters project (“Leonard Reed's Shim Sham Shimmy”) and in 2002 the first Lindy Hop project. I’ve now produced dozens of projects in Tap and Lindy Hop, each with the goal of preserving these two great American jazz dances.
One of the best parts of On Tap! has been meeting all of you, either in person, through a phone call, or through the internet. You’ve contacted me from all around the world, and, even to this day, I still get a big kick out of each order that comes in. (Just recently, I received orders from England, Czech Republic, Japan, Finland, and various places in my home country, the USA.)
We dancers are truly a global community. I want to take this moment to thank all of you for your enthusiastic and ongoing support of what I have attempted to do.
And I thank you most sincerely,
Rusty E. Frank